A close look at China Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station in NW China's Xinjiang

来源: 中新网2023-09-09 03:27:35


In the summer evening, the satellite data receiving antennas of China Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station in Kashgar were lined up, which seems spectacular.  

China Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station built in Kashgar, one of five remote sensing satellite ground stations in China, is located in Kashgar Prefecture, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. The station"s satellite data receiving and processing hall needs to be supervised by scientific researchers 365 days a year and 24 hours a day.  

In 2017, a network of remote sensing satellite ground stations that cover all of China"s territory and 70 percent of Asia was completed.

The network is headquartered in Beijing and features three ground stations in a suburb in Beijing, Kashgar in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and Sanya in Hainan Province, respectively.

The network is used to support various remote-sensing systems, especially for the western part of the country and the South China Sea.      





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